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How to Use Testimonials for Coworking Space Marketing

Matthew Morgan
How to Use Testimonials for Coworking Space Marketing

If you own a coworking space, your most valuable asset is the satisfaction of your clients. Your brand's reputation will be boosted, and you'll be able to raise consumers' knowledge of your company naturally if you have pleased customers who provide testimonials about their experiences with your company. A helpful review on a company's page is only one aspect of making a good consumer testimonial valuable.

Don't stress about not having gathered or used testimonials as part of your coworking space marketing plan if you've never done either. You may utilize social media in several straightforward methods to collect and distribute client testimonials, build social proof, and establish your brand as an authority within your market sector.

If you maintain a constant presence and strive to enhance your content, traffic from social networks will account for 20-40 percent of the visits to the website for your coworking space.

The next question is: how can that traffic be converted into new members? The following are some of the finest techniques for improving each social media platform to bring warm leads ready to get to know you and your coworking space better.

Using Different Social Media Platforms for Niche Audiences

It doesn't matter which field you work in; many of your clients probably utilize social media on a personal level while researching products they wish to purchase. A variety of approaches can be taken to include testimonials in your social media marketing plan; these approaches vary according to your company's social media platforms.

Reviews That Are Specific to Platforms

Coworking space members leaving testimonials about their experience

When developing a strategy for social media, you should have a specific plan for each platform. It will allow you to make the most of the distinctive capabilities of each platform.


Facebook value 2023 is $610.22bn. The platform is equipped with its rating system integrated directly into the site.

If you have a business profile, you've undoubtedly already begun gathering reviews naturally from individuals who have dealt with you and are visiting your page. In addition, local companies and enterprises that operate brick-and-mortar shops benefit tremendously from using Facebook Business evaluations.

Remember that Facebook is most popular among a slightly older generation; therefore, you should distinguish your marketing and messaging by focusing more on personal information such as reviews and testimonials.

If you are targeting your audience with Facebook advertisements, including video testimonials as part of your remarketing funnel is an excellent method to gather impressions and interaction from new individuals who have been made aware of your business. Again, it can be accomplished in some ways.


There is a possibility that you may not be able to earn testimonials as naturally on other networks, such as Instagram. However, you may still use consumer reviews on the site to create content that increases your brand's authority and provides value to its audience.

You may also make your tales that highlight satisfied customers or clients. You can either make an instagram video yourself or ask users to take control of your stories for the day and offer their perspectives on your company.


Focus on content quality if you want to use LinkedIn for your coworking or flexible office space.

Members of LinkedIn aren't going to be impressed by flashy goods. They are seeking more advanced information, so ensure you get down to the nitty-gritty of how your space can function for their staff, budget, and location. They are searching for more advanced information.

Generate recurring revenue and offer exceptional customer experience at your shared or coworking space

User Generated Content

Curating user-generated material related to your company is one of the most effective ways to obtain organic consumer testimonials and leverage them.

Even while the postings in question do not constitute direct endorsements of the service or product in question, they help build social proof, provided that they have a natural and spontaneous appearance.


Influencers promoting products and serving as brand ambassadors are becoming increasingly common. As a result, the trend of using influencers in marketing to collect customer evaluations and testimonials will continue to gain momentum.

An influencer's endorsement of your product can be an excellent organic social proof, but remember that you may not always have complete control over the message when dealing with an influencer. You can't always count on an influencer to give you a great review, especially as more influencers move toward being more honest about sponsored posts and their collaborations. Because of this, you shouldn't put all of your eggs in one basket.

It is prudent to employ influencer marketing and other methods of gathering testimonials to guarantee that you maintain control over the message being communicated about your company.

You also can identify those individuals who are already discussing your product on social media and contact them directly to get a testimonial from them.

Tips to Getting Testimonials

Many of the techniques we discussed can work well for B2C companies when gathering client testimonials. You may collect customer testimonials that you can publish on social media by scheduling a call with your client to share their views and opinions on the project after it is complete. This is one method that B2B enterprises can utilize to collect customer testimonials.

Start a conversation centered on their experience working with your organization. Please inquire as to whether or not it is possible to record the call to save portions of it for use in future social media postings. Always make it a point to inquire with the customer about whether or not they would mind being featured on one of your social networks.

When you first begin utilizing social media to collect client testimonials, you need to monitor your company's social accounts, handles, and hashtags. You may start compiling a list of the articles that you intend to use in this manner by either taking a screenshot of them or favoriting them.


Online reviews impact consumers' purchasing decisions; most customers are willing to provide feedback if requested. If you don't include customer evaluations and testimonials in your marketing plan, in that case, you're passing up a significant potential to bring in new clients and establish your company as an industry leader.

Before you ask everyone to offer feedback on your brand, you should exercise extreme caution, so you don't risk having some potentially destructive criticism put online for everyone to view.

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