Become a Contributor for Coworking Smarts Blog!

Just like any other resource, we are always thirsty for new awesome content. If you are an expert in commercial real estate or hospitality business or run a coworking space and feel like contributing a guest post for our blog, please send your pitch to

Our Guidelines

  • We prefer posts with at least 1500 words of original content.
  • Our target audience is coworking space owners, NOT members that come to work at those spaces.
  • We accept topics related to the following categories: members' experience, coworking community, coworking software, coworking trends, coworking space promotion, coworking tips, case studies, interviews, etc.
  • We don’t have any specific deadlines for guest authors (but we encourage you to identify an estimated delivery date.)

Linking Rules

  • You can add ONE commercial Follow link to your website in the bio section.
  • You can link to other related resources within the post ONLY if those links add value to the content.
  • Be ready to return us a favor and link back to your published article (or other publications) from your resource (or your guest posts on other resources) and share it on social media.


The standard image size on our blog is height - 940px and width - 1648px. Please include images of high quality, preferably in .png format.


We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to edit, refuse to publish, or remove any content from the blog at any time for any reason.